When one of my daughters was born with poor gut health, I found myself endlessly searching for answers. 

My daughter was suffering with skin rashes, food allergies, ADHD, colds and flus and constant stomach pains.

Doctors couldn’t provide the relief we needed, and after countless rounds of specialists and antibiotics, I knew there had to be a better way.

I started to notice that some foods were making her symptoms and her hyperactivity worse. So I suspected that diet might help us find an answer.

We then tried all the diets!

Elimination diets, weird white-food only diets, no preservatives or additive diets…
After many trials, I finally found the diet that worked!

In two weeks, her behaviour was 80% better and her health was transforming before my eyes.

As my daughter healed, something unexpected happened: 

I started to heal, too. I was eating the same food most of the time. I felt calmer, more energised, and happier. My stress levels were down and my anxiety was gone. I was sleeping better. I’d never felt so good!

This experience ignited a passion for nutrition, and I completed my Certificate in Health Coaching.

I started to blog about food and share my recipes and experiences with other mums. I helped them create easy meal plans to heal their chidren’s and their own gut health.
I created systems to help them cook and keep the lunchboxes full of nutritious food. I watched as kids healed and families healed from having less stressful relationships with calmer, happier kids.

I became intrigued by natural medicine and went on to study herbal medicine and become a Western Traditional Herbalist. I’ve experienced profound shifts in my physical, mental and emotional well-being. I now get to share this knowledge with my wonderful clients.

Nature really does have everything you need to regain your vitality and energy again. As a Western Traditional Herbalist and Integrative Nutritionist, I am incredibly lucky to help others experience the same transformation.

Jessica Green

Jessica Green is a herbalist and health coach who helps women to thrive naturally. Download the FREE guide “The Top 5 Herbs for Women” and start using herbs to boost your health today…


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